Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Medium Run

Today: 11 miles
Week: 33 miles
Workout: 2 lower loops of Central Park, one 6-mile loop, and another lower loop.

I ran the first lower loop with Allyson and the second one by myself. Then I ran the full loop with Denie, Carl, Farbod, Rob, Stacy, and Greg. I decided to tack on one more lower loop with Farbod. The total time was 1h 28m, about 8:00/mile.

The run was supposed to be at conversational pace, and we definitely kept it at that pace because there was a LOT of conversation going on. Some of the topics: Carl's new job, our facial hair contest, the upcoming NYC Half Marathon, the Philadelphia Marathon, ...

Speaking of the NYC Half Marathon, I want to make it a training run. But I can't decide whether to run it at marathon pace 1:35, which assumes I'll do my NYC Marathon in 3:10 or if I should try for something faster, maybe a 1:30. I think that I could run a 1:26 if I ran hard, but I don't think I could run fast enough to run under 1:23, and keep pace with Farbod. I don't want to run so hard that I get sick and take days to recover.

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