Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Run

Today: 6 miles
Week: 21.5 miles
Workout: Fort Tryon and Inwood Hill Park run.

Burned a few calories and now, about to consume 5x as much as I just burned off.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Yesterday: 9 miles
Week: 15.5 miles
Workout: NTNY - 65th - E. Drive - 102nd - W. Drive - around top of park, down E. Drive - right on 72nd - lower loop - 1 mile of course in reverse. Then another lower loop.

Plantar fasciitis has been acting up again.

Strawberry Fields Loops

Monday: 6.5 miles
Week: 6.5 miles
Workout: Lower loop, then run from YMCA - Strawberry Fields - run hard for 25 minutes - return to YMCA.

Usually, my first loop is very slow. However, since I warmed up in advance of the workout, I was ready to go relatively quickly on the first loop. My splits were 2:35, 2:38, 2:38, 2:36, 2:37, 2:33, 2:35, 2:32, 2:29, 2:19. I ran with Lou for the entire workout.

This is one of my favorite workouts.