Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Workout: Running around the living room. Chasing my 2-year-old nephew. It had to be at least 0.5 mile!

Niece was born early this morning!!!

200 Meter Repeats

Yesterday: 4.5 miles
Week: 7 miles
Workout: 3.5 mile warm up, 8 x 200 m repeats with long recovery.

I did the repeats on the street in front of my brother's house. Neighbors were probably thinking, "what the heck is that guy doing, running back and forth?"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday: 2.5 miles
Week: 2.5 miles
Workout: Easy run @9:30/mile pace. West Covina.

I wasn't planning on running since my legs are still tired from yesterday's run, and I had eaten dinner a couple of hours ago. But I decided to head out around 9:30 p.m. with my brother.

"LONG" Run

Sunday: 10 miles
Week: 22.5 miles
Workout: Streets of West Covina, CA

I finally decided to get in a "long" run. There are 15 weeks left before the NYC Marathon, and I figure I'd better get started with the training. The run went fine, although my hip still remains sore/tight. I even threw in a hill with 14% grade, in the middle of the run.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

600 meter repeats

Thursday: 5 miles
Week: 12.5 miles
Workout: 2.5 mile warm-up, 3x600 meter repeats, 1 mile cool down

The repeats were all slightly uphill. I took too long of a rest in between repeats.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tuesday: 5 miles
Week: 7.5 miles
Workout: 5-mile loop in West Covina, CA.

My run included a tough hill. Must have been at least 10% grade, at its steepest. I haven't officially begun marathon training yet, and it's going to be difficult to put in the miles while on vacation.

Sunny CA

Monday: 2.5 miles
Week: 2.5 miles
Workout: Easy loop in West Covina, CA.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Run for Central Park

Today: 4.5 miles
Week: 28.5 miles
Workout: 0.5 mile warm up, 4 mile race

Yesterday, I volunteered to pick up race numbers and t-shirts for some of my teammates. I was very worried that I would wake up late this morning and not be able to meet them with their race numbers. I set about six different alarms to make sure I got up.

I did a 1/2-mile warm up to the starting line. I could not stop sweating, and I was still standing at the starting line!!! The NYRR website says it was 82 degrees and 53% humidity, but it felt much worse than that. I ran a 24:30 for the 4-mile race. Splits: 6:04, 6:00, 6:19, 6:07. Avg. 6:08/mile. 156th place out of 2525 men.

Our West Side YMCA men's team was 15th out of 36 teams. The women's team was 17th out of 31 teams. The men's masters team was 11th out of 43 teams. We missed 10th place by 1 second!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Yesterday: 4 miles
Week: 24 miles
Workout: Central Park - 65th - 75th on E. Drive. From there, run hard to 85th, recover back to 75th, repeat this 2 more times. Then head back to 65th.

CPC Run for Central Park 4-mile race on Saturday.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bridle Path

Today: 9 miles
Week: 20 miles
Workout: Y - bridle path - one loop of reservoir, then back to Y. Then, bridle path again, all the way to 102nd, and back to Y.

Love the bridle path! Especially when it's a little damp. It feels softer.
Yesterday: 5 miles
Week: 11 miles
Workout: Niketown - lower loop - 86th - run across the bottom of reservoir to East Drive - run down and around lower loop.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Half Mile Repeats

Today: 6 miles
Week: 6 miles
Workout: Warm up from Y to 86th St on East Drive in Central Park. Run 4 half-mile repeats from 86th to 96th St., rest for 90 seconds, and do the repeat from 96th to 86th.

2:44 (feeling energetic, and um, stopped a little short of the finish), 2:51 (damn! 90 seconds of rest goes by quick!), 2:51 (half way done, I think I'll be able to run 6 repeats), 2:53 (maybe not. that was a tough one), 2:51 (HA! I was able to fool my body into thinking that was the last one!), 3:02 (Oh no! Nothing left on that one.)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bridle Path

Today: 5.5 miles
Week: 29.5 miles
Workout: Niketown - lower loop - 1 loop of bridle path and return.

LOVE the bridle path! I could probably add years to my running career if I ran regularly on the bridle path.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Out and Back

Today: 3.5 miles
Week: 24 miles
Workout: Niketown - 96th St. on Bridle Path and back.

Easy run, but no energy. Legs are still recovering from yesterday's workout.

Lebron goes to Miami!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mile Repeats

Today: 8.5 miles
Week: 20.5 miles
Workout: 5 mile repeats around lower loop of Central Park.

6:00, rest 2:43, 5:52, rest 4:53, 5:59, rest 3:08, 6:11, rest 5:08, 5:52. One lower loop cool down. I probably should have stopped after the 4th repeat. According to the thermometer, it was about 10 degrees cooler @6:30 this evening than at the same time yesterday. But it still felt uncomfortably hot.

I realize I keep talking/complaining about the weather. I will try to keep that to a minimum in the future.

Lower Loop

Yesterday: 3.5 miles
Week: 12 miles
Workout: 2 lower loops of Central Park

HOT!!! 'Nuff said.

Monday, July 5, 2010

West Side Hwy

Today: 8.5 miles
Week: 8.5 miles
Workout: 2 miles on bridle path, warm up to West Side Hwy - 22 minutes uptown & 17:30 back.

The thermometer said 96 degrees. The heat didn't really bother me until I turned around on the West Side Hwy and started heading back toward 59th St. After stopping, I felt a little dizzy and had to walk the mile back to the YMCA. I had to stop by a Duane Reade to get something to drink. Even now, as I sit here typing, I'm feeling a little dizzy.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

Today: 3.5 miles
Week: 31.5 miles
Workout: Y - 1 loop of reservoir - Y

Surprisingly, I wasn't bothered much by the temperatures in the upper 90s. For all those WSY runners who were wondering about Allyson and Farbod, they are doing fine. Hopefully, they will be coming to one of our workouts soon. I ran with them this afternoon.

I tried out the Nike Free Run shoes for the first time today. I like them! Light, flexible, and soft. Looking forward to doing more workouts in them.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bridle Path

Today: 5.5 miles
Week: 28 miles
Workout: Niketown - lower loop of Central Park - bridle path clockwise - back to 86th on west side and back to store.

Free Starbucks iced coffee, iced tea, and pastries after the run!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today: 3 miles
Week: 22.5 miles
Workout: Out-and-back. Niketown - 94th & E. Dr.

ANOTHER beautiful day for a run! I'm going to enjoy these good-weather days because I know it can't last.

5 and 5

Wednesday: 9 miles
Week: 19.5 miles
Workout: 1.5 mile warm-up, 5-mile tempo on 5-mile loop of Central Park, 5 Cat Hill repeats

Ran the 5-mile tempo in 32:25 (6:29/mile). Ran the 5 Cat Hills in 95, 90, 86, 81, and 88 seconds. Awful cramps in both calf muscles on the last hill.

Weather was sooooo much better today.