Sunday, April 24, 2011

Today: 7.5 miles
Week: 43 miles
Workout: One full loop of Central Park and one lower loop.

Full loop in 45 min (7:30/mi). Humidity was uncomfortable.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Queensboro Bridge

Today: 6 miles
Week: 35.5 miles
Workout: warm up from Y to NTNY, NTNY - Queesnboro Bridge - NTNY, cool down NTNY - Y


Friday, April 22, 2011

Today: 6 miles
Week: 29.5 miles
Workout: Fort Tryon Park & Inwood Hill Park

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Half Mile Repeats

Today: 6.5 miles
Week: 23.5 miles
Workout: NTNY - E. Drive - 4x 800 from 84th St. to 94th St., recover back to 84th - return to NTNY

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today: 7.5 miles
Week: 17 miles
Workout: WSY - lower loop - 79th St. - Great Lawn - W. Drive - WSY (took a 15 minute break) - up W. Drive - 102nd - E. Drive - return to Y

Lower Loops

Yesterday: 5.5 miles
Week: 9.5 miles
Workout: 3 lower loops of Central Park
Mon., April 18th: 4 miles
Week: 4 miles
Workout: Boston Marathon course from about Mile 21 to Mile 25+

I went to Fenway Park Sunday afternoon to see the Red Sox beat the Blue Jays. Fenway Park is beautiful. After the game, I went to Niketown and bought the new Nike+ SportWatch. Met some people for a pre-marathon dinner.

I wanted to see the elite men and women run. But with the fans from the Red Sox game and all the marathon spectators using the subway, it was a nightmare trying to get to the course. I had originally wanted to go to Mile 16, but I knew I wouldn't make it. I was already getting text alerts (while I was on the subway) that some of my friends were already passing the half marathon point. So I decided to get off early and run to Mile 22.

I made it just in time. I was able to run with four different people between Mile 21 and the finish. The crowds along the way were great. Hopefully, I'll be running the Boston Marathon next year.
Sat., April 16th: 10 miles
Week: 38 miles
Workout: NTNY - lower loop - 102nd St - 2 Upper loops - back to NTNY
Thur., April 14th: 4.5 miles
Week: 28 miles
Workout: NTNY - Strawberry Fields - 30 minutes of hill repeats
Wed., April 13th: 15.5 miles
Week: 23.5 miles
Workout: 5 mile loop with WSY - 6 mile loop on my own - 4 mile loop

1h 59m
Tuesday, April 12th: 3.5 miles
Week: 8 miles
Workout: NTNY - E. Dr. - 72nd - W. Dr. - 83rd - return

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yesterday: 4.5 miles
Week: 4.5 miles
Workout: Y - clockwise 4 mile loop of Central Park.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Scotland 10K

Today: 6.5 miles
Week: 37.5 miles
Workout: Scotland 10K. Start on 62nd & W. Drive - one clockwise loop of C. Park

Matched my masters PR of 37:57 (6:07/mile) from 2009. Splits: 6:19, 6:03, 5:53, 6:12, 6:00, 6:17, 1:13. I should have run just a little harder, or gotten a better starting position.

Bridle Path

Saturday: 5.5 miles
Week: 31 miles
Workout: NTNY - Bridle path

Beautiful day for a run!

Indian Run

Thursday: 6 miles
Week: 25.5 miles
Workout: NTNY - 4x Indian Run from 84th to 94th on E. Drive - recover from 94th to 84th.

Mile Repeats

Wednesday: 7 miles
Week: 19.5 miles
Workout: 6x Mile on lower loop in Central Park w/2:00 minute rest

7:05, 6:15, 5:52, 5:44, 7:33, 7:30. The first one was basically a warm up. Paced Meggie on the last two.

Lower Loops

Tuesday: 5 miles
Week: 12.5 miles
Workout: 3x lower loop

Monday, April 4, 2011


Today: 7.5 miles
Week: 7.5 miles
Workout: Y - counter clockwise in C. Park for 10 minutes - tempo pace for the rest of the 6-mile loop

I estimate that I ran about 5 miles at 6:20/mile. Then I ran the lower loop for a cool down.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Today: 13.5 miles
Week: 40.5 miles
Workout: Y - West Side Hwy - Battery Park - E. River - 34th St. - !st Ave. - 57th St. - 7th Ave. - Y

1h 39 m. The run felt a lot harder than it should have. I feel like I ran 18.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Today: 6 miles
Week: 27 miles
Workout: NTNY - First Ave. - 34th St. - E. River - 15th St. - return to NTNY

Friday, April 1, 2011

Strawberry Fields Again

Yesterday: 3 miles
Week: 21 miles
Workout: NTNY - lower loop - 4x Strawberry Fields Hill - NTNY