Today: 13 milesWeek: 40.5 miles
Workout: 1+ loop of Central Park - 7th Ave - 42nd - West Side Hwy - Chambers Street
I made it to Central Park a little early. I decided to check in on the WSYRRC gang, who were setting up the Mile 5 fluid station. It was 6:00 a.m. and they had already been there for an hour! I walked over to the starting area on East Drive. The race wasn't until 7:30, but there were already thousands of people there at 6:30.
I checked my bag, made a bathroom stop, and went to the corrals to meet up with Taegin, who I would be pacing in the race. Standing around for 30 minutes trying to stay warm in 37 degree weather wasn't fun. But as soon as the race started, it was fine.
The first few miles in the park went by quickly. I was a little worried that we were running too fast. Taegin's goal was 1:30 (6:52/mile), and we were running 6:44s, and even did a few miles under 6:40s. But I decided not to worry about it since she seemed OK.
We passed by the Niketown cheer zone at the exit to the park, on 7th Avenue. Nice seeing people you know during a race. Going through Times Square, YMCA by the Village People was playing. Of course, I was wearing my YMCA singlet. That's the second time that's happened in this race.
Gotta love the slight downhill on 7th Avenue and on 42nd Street. I looked at my watch and it showed a 5:51 for Mile 9! No way! It must have been measured short because Mile 10 seemed long at 7:07. As we made a right turn on the West Side Highway, we ran right into a strong headwind. But it only lasted 2 blocks as we made a U-turn and headed south on the West Side Highway.
Taegin seemed to be getting a little tired but wasn't slowing down any. I was also beginning to get a little tired but knew we were way under her goal time and wanted to bring her in under 1:28. As we went through Mile 11 and 12, it was obvious that we were probably going under 1:27.
We crossed the finish. Taegin's official time 1:26:18!
Mile Splits
1 - 7:11
2 - 6:46
3 - 6:44
4 - 6:44
5 - 6:34
6 - 6:39
7 - 6:34
8 - 6:26
9 - 5:51
10 - 7:07
11 - 6:23
12 - 6:21
13.1 - 6:51
Total 1:26:16
Avg. 6:36/mile
5K Splits
5K - 21:24
10K - 20:42 (42:06 for the 1st 10K)
15K - 20:11
20K - 19:47 (39:58 for the 2nd 10K)