Thursday, July 9, 2009

James Carville

Today: 5 miles
Week: 29 miles
Workout: 65th Street on the east side of Central Park to Engineer's Gate, enter bridle path, follow it around to the west side of the park, cross back to the east side at 86th Street, exit at Engineer's Gate and go back to 65th Street.

I ran an even pace of about 8:00/mile until we got onto the bridle path. The Run NYC workout called for a tempo run on the bridle path. I picked it up for 3 to 4 minute stretches. However, I had to stop a lot in order to direct runners because I wasn't sure they knew their way around the bridle path. So I did quite a bit of standing around. Right before I got to Engineer's Gate, I saw James Carville in the park. I wish I had some of my West Side YMCA Running Club business cards. I would have recruited him for our club. HA!


  1. no way!!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE james carville!

  2. I like him too. I did a double take when I saw him and asked the guy I was running with if it was Carville, just to make sure.
