Saturday, June 13, 2009

NYRR Dash (No Splash) 10K

Today: 8.5 miles
Week: 31.5 miles
Workout: 2.5 mile warmup, 10K at 42:27 (6:50/mile)

I stopped by the YMCA to drop off my things (gotta love those 9:00 a.m. race starts) and ran to the start, which was on East Drive just south of 102nd Street transverse.  Since I didn't intend to run too hard, I went to the back of my corral.  It has been awhile since I've run a 10K race counterclockwise in Central Park.  Harlem Hill is not fun, but it was nice to get it out of the way early in the race.  

My splits were 6:53 (perfect pace), 6:46 (a little too fast, let me slow down a little in the next mile), 6:48 (that's NOT slowing down), 7:03 (that's more like it), 7:01 (another good split, I'm feeling comfortable, saw Bruno running the other way), 6:37 (competitiveness kicks in, a couple of guys tried to go by me with 800m remaining, I couldn't let that happen), 1:17 (last 0.2 miles, nice downhill finish onto 102nd Street transverse).  I forgot to ask if any WSY runners were going to be in the race and noticed in the race results that Alanna ran.  Good job Alanna!  

I had intended to run the 2 miles back to the YMCA, but race finishers were given these fruit popsicles at the finish.  They were delicious.  By the time I finished eating it, I didn't feel like running again.  So I walked all the way back to the Y.  

I was so tired on the train ride home that I slept through my stop.