So, I saw the doctor last Saturday, and he thinks I have a partially torn medial collateral ligament. He recommended no running for 6 weeks, or another 3 weeks since I had already been sedentary for 3 weeks. And when I start back again, to only run 2 days per week. This was my initial reaction:
The doctor continued to talk, but all I heard was blah, blah, no running, blah, blah. Meanwhile, I was thinking about going out and testing my knee the next day. How was I going to be ready for the Empire State Building Run-Up in February and the Boston Marathon in April?! So I went out and did a few stairs.
Well, maybe a bit more than a few stairs. Seven sets to be exact. And then I did them again the next day.
But the snow made me nervous. I had visions of tearing another ligament. I stopped after 3 sets, went back home, and had some hot chocolate instead.
The knee held up OK. It was a little sore, but doing stairs is easier on it than running.