Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Run-Filled Weekend

Fifth Avenue Mile

Professional Women in the
Fifth Avenue Mile

Professional Men in the
Fifth Avenue Mile

Denie, Carol, Julien, and Me after
the 18-Mile Tune Up

It was a great weekend for running.  The Fifth Avenue Mile was on Saturday.  My goal heading into the race was 5:10, but I wasn't going to be surprised if it didn't happen since I haven't really done any short distance workouts this year.  I had a very poor position in the start corral.  So, when the gun went off, I immediately sprinted through some small openings to get by a few dozen people.  Then I settled into what I thought was a reasonable pace for me.  Sure enough, half way through the race, I already wanted to quit because I felt my legs just wouldn't turn over fast enough.  But then I decided I was going to go for it and try to pick up the pace in the second half of the race.  I almost didn't reach the finish.  Twice, I felt like my legs were going to give out before I hit the finish line.  I also felt like my posture was poor.  It felt like I was leaning back and tightening up badly in the last 200 meters.  In fact, I remember thinking I was simply going to freeze up and have to walk the last 100 meters.  I stumbled across the finish line in 5:06.  Thrilled that I managed to go under my goal and with some hope that I might be able to go under 5:00 next year, with a little track work, of course. 

Today, I woke up at 4:00 a.m. to make sure I got to Central Park on time.  I was scheduled to meet some Run NYC runners for the 18-Mile Marathon Tune Up.  It was a perfect day.  Sunny and mild temps.  I ran with Kendall and Alfonso for the first two loops of the park at a nice 9:00+/mile pace.  Then I saw a Run NYC runner running by herself and decided to pace her for the last loop of the park. The NYC Marathon is 6 weeks away.  I feel a lot better about my training this year than last year.  But I still feel like I need a couple more long runs (20 milers) before I feel like I'll be ready.  

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